Rex Siciliae
On-Board Services

We offer all-inclusive on-board services of high quality standards. Our staff is at your complete disposal at every moment of your sea vacation. We will take care of everything: breakfast, cabin cleaning, drinks, and quality cuisine. Your only task will be to be seduced by a unique vacation experience, characterized by relaxation, nature, fun, and exclusivity.

On-Board Bar and Restaurant

To ensure an unforgettable experience, you will have a welcoming staff at your disposal that will meet all your needs. Due to functional reasons, the kitchen is not very spacious, and the pots and pans are limited. However, this is not a problem for the skilled hands of our chef, who will delight your palate with dishes of land and sea, using the highest quality ingredients.

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Bar Service

If you feel like having a good coffee or a refreshing drink, our crew will be at your service with a meticulous on-board bar service.

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Sun Deck

The spacious sun deck is furnished with comfortable sofas positioned at the bow, where you can sunbathe while being gently rocked by the waves, perhaps enjoying a fresh fruit salad or sipping an excellent cocktail prepared by our staff.

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On-Board Facilities

To make your vacation even more exciting and complete, you will have a range of facilities at your disposal: kayaks complete with accessories, with which you can venture out on thrilling excursions accompanied by the gentle sway of the waves; masks and snorkels to discover and admire the wonders of the seabed and come into close contact with the depths and its inhabitants; Wi-Fi network on board, allowing you to share all your adventures and emotions on your smartphone; TV and DVD player to relax in your cabin while watching a good movie; The spacious tender, which you can use for onshore services (maximum 6 people, length 4.20m, width 2.03m, 20hp engine).

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